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10 ways to be happy

Sometimes, life can get us down in the dumps. We can feel so overwhelmed and unhappy that we just want to crawl under a rock and disappear. There are several ways one can be happy regardless of what is going on in their world.

1) Wake up every morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud "I am happy and today is going to be a great day".

2) Always and I mean always "smile". Smiling has a way of tricking you into actually being happy regardless of what is going on.

3) Always be positive. There is a saying "if you want positiveness in your life than you must be positive".

4) Your life is your life "don't let anyone or anything take that from you.

5) Always be you. don't be somebody else's version of you. Be your true self.

6) Be happy with who you are, never be ashamed.

7) Change for yourself not for others.

8) Never let anyone or anything bring you down. Remember you are here in this life to shine, so shine

9) Always go after what you want, do not let your dreams fade, you want it go get it

10) Again, smile and be happy all the time, just like a child.

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